Tourism and Hotel Management Vocational School

There are Hospitality Management, Tourism and Hotel Management programs affiliated to the Vocational School of American Tourism and Hospitality. The education period of the programs is 2 years.

Information About the Program

Currently, the business volume of tourism equals or even surpasses other industrial sectors that make up the major source of economic growth for most countries. Tourism has become one of the major players in ‎international commerce, and represents at the same time one of the main income ‎sources for many destinations. This growth goes hand in hand with a ‎increasing diversification and competition among destinations.  Our program aims to contribute to growing skilled professional demand that grows with along with the sector.

Why Tourism and Hospitality Management Program

With a vocational degree students can attain a wide range of opportunities.  Our program in tourism and hospitality management acts as a bridge which connects students to industry, and give them the chance to get to be known by premier restaurants, hotels and event planners.

Career Opportunities

One of the best ways to learn a job is by actually doing it, so internship is offered in our program to ensure real experience in the best hotels, first class holiday villages, travel agencies and airline companies in Turkey, TRNC and in other countries.


1st SemesterCreditCourse Code
English I3ENGL101
Introduction to Computers3COMP101
Principles of Management I3MGMT101
Introduction to Tourism3THM101
2nd SemesterCreditCourse Code
Business Mathematics3MATH102
English II3ENGL102
Computer Applications3COMP102
Principles of Management II3MGMT102
Introduction to Lodging3THM204
Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi0TARH100(*)
Summer Internship0PRAC

(*): TARH100 will be selected by Turkish Students.
(**): TRKE100 will be selected by Foreign Students.

3rd SemesterCreditCourse Code
Basic Probability and Statistics3STAT201
Introducyion to Accounting3ACCT201
Food and Beverage Management3THM201
Front Office Management3THM301
Writing Skills3ENGL201
4th SemesterCreditCourse Code
Cost Analysis in Tourism Management3THM314
Service Quality Management3THM402
Small Business Management3MGMT304
Public Speaking3ENGL202

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