Rector’s Message
Prof. Dr. Teoman İsmail KESERCİOĞLU
Dear Students,
Individuals with knowledge along with vocational skills and competencies enjoy more prosperous and successful lives. As such, the fusion of knowledge & skills brings about power. Our primary objective is to enhance our students’ fundamental competencies and skills.
We intend to have strong, influential, idealist, innovative and eco-sensitive graduates who possess full regards to human rights.
The University Of Mediterranean Karpasia (UMK) adapts the philosophy of experience based learning and teaching. In order to attain this, we apply principles of learning through practical experience coupled with experimenting, observation, analysis and research. Our aim is not only to provide our students with the scientific knowledge but also to teach them how to make use of such knowledge in real life situations. With this objective in mind, Our principle is to work in a planned and organized manner to educate students who can anticipate the developments in global economic and social environment before everyone else.
Life has much more to offer for those who are proactive rather than reactive. Foresight is not an innate quality but a learning process that emanates from practical involvement. Proactive people become more competent in effective communication skills. Also, as they are organized, they are highly successful for achieving more results with fewer resources. Such people also excel in managerial skills.
Organization skill like planning can be gained from education. In due course, all our students will learn to be organized. Advance planning coupled with discipline brings about an escalated rate of success. Performing the given duties successfully in due time without putting off is called ‘work discipline.’ This is a discipline that we wish to equip our students that will make them distinguished among others.
Dear Students,
Success and happiness drive one another. Bearing this in mind, I would like to stress that success paves the way to prosperity. Subsequently, a prosperous man will have high self-esteem which enables him to easily attain success. In conclusion, our mission as the UMK family is to help our students acquire, assimilate and exploit academic and practical skill and competencies.
I wish you success and happiness as part of our family.
Yours Affectionately,

Akdeniz Karpaz Üniversitesi/University of Meditarranean Karpasia
Rektör Yardımcısı/Vice Rector
Assoc.Prof. Dr. Ayşen BERBEROĞLU
Vice Rector
Akdeniz Karpaz Üniversitesi/University of Meditarranean Karpasia
Rektör Yardımcısı/Vice Rector
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tolga ÖZ
Vice Rector
Akdeniz Karpaz Üniversitesi/University of Meditarranean Karpasia
Genel Sekreter/General Secretary
General Secretary